Archive for September 2nd, 2024

On September 2, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev laid the foundation of an administrative building in the city of Kalbajar, APA reports. The head of state was informed about the upcoming work.

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On September 2, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva attended the opening of the Yukhari Veng Hydroelectric Power Station of Azerenergy OJSC with a capacity of 22.5 MW on the Tartar River in Kalbajar District, APA reports. President of Azerenergy OJSC Baba Rzayev informed the head of state about the work carried out.

On the same day, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva visited the Khudaveng Monastery Complex in Kalbajar District, APA reports. Minister of Culture Adil Karimli informed the head of state and the first lady about the complex.

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Employees of the Department for Combating Illegal Migration of the Main Passport, Registration and Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs detained 94 migrants illegally residing in Azerbaijan during raids, Report informs citing the MIA.

The department stated that some of them were engaged in illegal labor activities in the country.

Reports were drawn up against the detainees in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Administrative Offenses, and the migrants were handed over to the relevant authorities.

During the investigation, it was established that some migrants were deceived by citizens living in their countries of origin. In exchange for money, they were promised to be delivered to European countries in transit through Azerbaijan.

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An appeal has been filed in Baku against the verdict of the owner of the Hom Paş Prestij housing cooperative, Turkish citizen Hikmet Yigitdol, accused of fraud, reports. The complaint will be considered under the chairmanship of the judge of the Baku Court of Appeal Mirzali Abbasov. The preliminary court hearing is scheduled for September 4, 2024.

It is noted that the Hom Paş Prestij housing cooperative, owned by H. Yigitdol, in 2008, based on the order of the Baku City Executive Authority, acquired a land plot in the 1181st block on Khojaly Avenue in the Khatai district and began construction of a multi-story building.

According to the charges, the businessman sold the same apartments to several people, thereby committing fraud against 72 citizens. Some victims have already stated that they have no claims against the accused. Thus, Elchin Heydarov and Veli Akberli reported that they received compensation in the form of non-residential premises and apartments in the same building.

H. Yigitdol is accused under Article 178.3.2 (fraud committed with causing major damage) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. A preventive measure in the form of house arrest was chosen against him.

The Baku Court of Grave Crimes sentenced the Turkish businessman to several years of imprisonment.

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