Archive for September 5th, 2024

Azerbaijan’s Prosecutor General Kamran Aliyev told on the sidelines of the EEF details of the criminal case against Karabakh separatists, APA reports. He reminded that the investigation has been completed, and the materials will be sent to court soon.

“We are reviewing the materials of the criminal case – both the accused and the victims. You know that there are many victims in this criminal case. After all these investigative measures have been carried out, the case will be sent to court for consideration on the merits – in accordance with international norms and the criminal legislation of Azerbaijan,” K. Aliyev said.

In different years, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Azerbaijan initiated criminal cases against 15 Karabakh separatists, they were put on the international wanted list. After the operation in September 2023, they were detained, taken to Baku and handed over to the investigation. They were charged with terrorism, financing terrorism, creating armed formations and groups not provided for by law, and conducting training exercises for the purpose of terrorism. In June of this year, the investigation into their cases was announced to be complete.

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An armed incident occurred in a drug den in the Sabunchu district of Baku, reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Thus, on September 4 at about 9 p.m. in the Sabunchu district of the capital, police officers conducted an operation based on information received regarding the illegal drug trafficking in one of the houses.

During the operational event, the person who offered armed resistance to police officers was neutralized using a service weapon.

It was established that the suspect in organizing the drug den is Mamedov Akif Zakir oglu, previously convicted multiple times under various articles of the Criminal Code.

A total of 2 kg of various narcotics and a Makarov pistol were found and seized at the scene.

The investigation into this incident is ongoing.

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Employees of the Sheki city district police department detained Bahram Abdurakhmanov, who was trying to sell ancient coins dating back to the 7th century AD, Report informs citing the Sheki regional group of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The 73 coins confiscated from him were sent for examination. Based on its conclusion, it was established that these are silver coins that were used in the 7th century as a monetary unit and belong to the national and cultural heritage of Azerbaijan.

The confiscated coins were transferred to the Sheki Museum of History and Local History for safekeeping.

The investigation into the fact is ongoing.

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