Archive for September 17th, 2024

Employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Drugs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs continue measures to combat illegal drug trafficking, APA reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Thus, during the next operations conducted in the city of Baku and the Samukh region, Huseyn Niyazov, born in 1993, and previously convicted Sevmaz Sarybalayev, born in 1994, were detained.

They were found to have about 24 kilograms of heroin, marijuana, opium, the psychotropic substance methamphetamine and 1,500 methadone tablets.

A criminal case has been opened on the fact.

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A criminal case has been initiated against an official of the Primorsky Boulevard Administration, APA reports citing the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office. Based on the materials received from the Accounts Chamber of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the illegal actions of officials of the Primorsky Boulevard Administration, a criminal case has been initiated in the Anti-Corruption Main Department under the Prosecutor General’s Office under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Based on the preliminary investigation, grounds were revealed for suspicion that the former chairman of the board of this institution, Ilgar Aziz oglu Mustafayev, embezzled and squandered a large amount of money allocated for the administration in 2021-2023, abused his official duties and committed official forgery.

Based on the collected preliminary evidence, Ilgar Mustafayev was charged under Articles of the Criminal Code 179.4 (embezzlement causing major damage), 308.2 (abuse of power resulting in grave consequences) and 313 (official forgery), based on the petition of the investigator who carried out procedural supervision of the preliminary investigation, and on the submission of the prosecutor, by decision of the Binagadi District Court, a preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen against him.

The preliminary investigation of the criminal case is ongoing.

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Employees of the Shakhtakhty customs point of the Nakhchivan Main Customs Administration prevented an attempt to smuggle drugs from Iran to Turkey through the territory of Azerbaijan, reports with reference to the State Customs Committee.

During the inspection of a truck in transit from Iran to Turkey with a load of washing powders, customs officers found two packages of methamphetamine with a total weight of 996.814 g and 7.25 g of marijuana. In addition, another 0.06 g of methamphetamine was seized from the truck driver.

An investigation is underway into this incident.

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The police received information about the theft of various brands of mobile phones and laptops from one of the stores located in the Narimanov district. As a result of operational activities by the 18th police station of the Narimanov district, previously convicted persons Mehman Mehdiyev, Kamran Gajiyev and Asim Maharramov, who committed this crime, were detained, reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the investigation, it was also established that they stole a Toyota Prius in the Narimanov district – on the same night, the members of the group stole the state registration plate of another vehicle of the same model in the capital and attached it to the stolen car, which they were driving. In addition, it turned out that these individuals committed thefts from stores in Ganja, Shamkir and Binagadi district.

A criminal case has been initiated on the facts under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code. The court chose a preventive measure in the form of arrest for each member of the group.

The investigation continues.

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The trial of former MP Nazim Beydemirli, accused of extortion, continues in the Baku Court of Grave Crimes, Report informs. The investigation into the case has been completed. The prosecutor demanded that the ex-MP be sentenced to 9 years in prison.

It is noted that Nazim Beydemirli was arrested in July 2023. According to the prosecution, Beydemirli, threatening to distribute incriminating videos, extorted 50 thousand manats from a certain citizen. Despite the fact that in June last year the victim gave the former MP 10 thousand manats, he continued to blackmail him, demanding payment of the remaining amount.

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