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It turns and tax inspectors are taking a bribes

Department for the investigation of corruption crimes of the Public Prosecutor of Kyiv region in conjunction with the General Directorate for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime of the Security Service of Ukraine exposed a criminal activity of the deputy chief of one of territorial state tax inspectorates of the State Tax Service in Kiev region. The press service of Kyiv Region Prosecutor’s Office informed “Irta-FAX” about this.

The above mentioned tax official, acting through extortion, received a bribe in amount of 15,000 hryvnia for reduction of penalties and taxes additionally charged with carrying out scheduled inspection compliance with tax and currency legislation of subjects of entrepreneurial activity.

In respect of the said state official the prosecutor’s office has initiated a criminal case on the grounds of an offense under Part 3. Art. 368 of the Criminal Code, i.e. receiving of an official taking a responsible position, bribery on a large scale, paired with his extortion. He can be sentenced sentence of 5 to 10 years imprisonment with confiscation of property.

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