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A criminal case has been initiated on the fact of misappropriation of funds

A criminal case has been initiated in the Salyan District Prosecutor’s Office on the fact of misappropriation of funds by a citizen under the guise of a lawyer, reports with reference to the press service of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Azerbaijan.

In the course of the investigation conducted by the district prosecutor’s office on the basis of the applicant’s appeal, reasonable suspicions were established that Elshan Aliyev, posing as a lawyer, at various times, under the pretext of making a decision in favor of a citizen, by bribing officials in civil cases pending in various courts of the republic, appropriated more than 10,000 manats.

On this fact, the prosecutor’s office of the Salyan region initiated a criminal case under articles 178.2.4 (Fraud causing significant damage), 32.4, 312.1 (Incitement to give a bribe) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

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