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More than 7 kg of drugs seized from drug couriers

The drug couriers detained in Jalilabad were found to have more than 7 kilograms of various drugs, Report news agency reported citing the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Thus, as a result of operational-search activities carried out by the police department of the Jalilabad region in the village of Aligasimly, the previously convicted residents of the Goygol region Bayram Alekberov and Ramin Mammadov were detained and taken to the police department.

During the inspection of the car in which the detainees were located, a bundle with more than 5 kg of heroin, more than 2 kg of marijuana and 200 methadone tablets was found. During the investigation, it was established that the detainees were supposed to organize the sale of drugs obtained through a drug dealer living in Iran, with their delivery to different addresses.

With regard to both persons, a measure of restraint in the form of detention was chosen by a court decision.

The fact is being investigated.

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