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Convicted for misappropriation of 700 thousand manats

Sumgayit Grave Crimes Court has sentenced Taravat Bilalova, an entrepreneur, head of the kindergarten and educational center İncilər in Khirdalan, accused of fraud, reports. She was charged under Art. 178.3.2 (Fraud causing major damage) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. It is noted that the defendant took a large amount of money from several of her relatives, employees of the kindergarten she ran, and others under the pretext of trading in gold products.

So, in 2020, after the suspension of the activities of the kindergarten she runs due to the pandemic, T. Bilalova urged her friends to invest in the business of selling gold items, which, according to her, would bring 10% of income every month. Promising high profits, she appropriated a total of about 700,000 manats to nine people. However, later these persons, realizing that they were faced with fraud, turned to law enforcement agencies.

T. Bilalova, during the proceedings in the Sumgayit Court for Grave Crimes, partially pleaded guilty. The court sentenced her to 6 years and 6 months in prison.

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