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Operation against FETÖ members carried out in Azerbaijan, there are arrests

An operation was carried out in Azerbaijan against FETÖ members, four people were arrested, Report informs citing Yeni Şafak. Among those detained are one of the former FETÖ leaders in Azerbaijan, Doyrush Jafarov, Gumrah Abdurahmanov, who is in charge of the financial affairs of the organization, Ruslan Aliyev, director of a center called Yurd, and Anar Aliyev, who is in charge of organizational issues. FETÖ members were arrested by the court.

It was established that D.Jafarov, G.Abdurahmanov and A.Aliyev promoted their ideas in FETÖ educational centers in Azerbaijan for a long time and took steps to attract young people to the organization.

On the basis of the initiated criminal case, it is reported that investigative and operational measures are underway to identify and detain other participants in the movement.

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