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Arrested for fraud

Former senior lecturer at Baku State University (BSU) Hajar Mikayilova has been arrested, reports citing Qafqazinfo. She is accused of embezzling 344,000 manats from three people.

The victims, Anar Ismayilov and Gudrat Hasanov, are the heads of a company that imports chicken products from Belarus to Azerbaijan. The accused presented her son as the director of MİN 300 LLC, allegedly providing storage services, and herself as the actual owner of this company. The woman managed to place in her “warehouse” a total of 80 tons of chicken products imported to Azerbaijan. After some time, Kh.Mikayilova personally implemented it, thus embezzling 332,000 manats.

In addition, the ex-teacher received 12,000 manats from the victim Mazahir Dostuyev, having given a false promise to help him with the paperwork for the land plot.

Hajar Mikayilova was finally charged under article 178.3.2 (fraud committed with causing large damage) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen against the woman.

It should be noted that Kh.Mikailova previously worked as a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Geography of the Belarusian State University.

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