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Large consignment of smuggled cigarettes and pyrotechnics seized

An attempt to smuggle a large batch of cigarettes and pyrotechnics into Azerbaijan from Russia from Russia was stopped at the Samur customs post of the Khachmaz Customs Department, Report informs citing the State Customs Committee (SCC) of Azerbaijan. a vehicle driven by a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

During oral interrogation, the driver stated that there were no items not declared to the customs authority in the vehicle. However, during the inspection of the car on a stationary X-ray unit, suspicious images were observed, due to which the cargo compartment was re-examined by the inspection team.

As a result, during the dismantling of the flooring, a hiding place was discovered, in which 282,200 units of cigarettes of 8 types were hidden, as well as 4,320 units of pyrotechnic products.

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