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Number of persons prosecuted in Azerbaijan this year named

In 2023, 9,723 people were prosecuted in Azerbaijan in connection with the crimes committed, Trend reports with reference to the State Statistics Committee of Azerbaijan.

It is noted that 60.4 percent of those prosecuted are people of working age who have not studied or worked anywhere, 25.6 percent are people who have committed crimes before. The proportion of women among persons who committed crimes was 5.1 percent, and of persons aged 14-17 – 1.9 percent.

In comparison with the corresponding period of the last year, in January-June of this year, the number of crimes committed by women and with their participation increased by 8.4 percent and 13.7 percent, respectively. During the same period, the number of crimes committed against women increased by 9 per cent. Compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, there was an increase in the number of crimes committed by minors by 17.8 percent, and a decrease in the number of crimes committed with their participation by 16.4 percent. During the same period, the number of crimes committed against minors increased by 0.7 percent.

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