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Three officials arrested on charges of bribery

During the operational-search activities carried out by the General Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General together with the State Customs Committee, a group of officials was caught red-handed, who first created artificial obstacles in the process of customs clearance of products imported into the country, and then received a bribe from citizen in exchange for speeding up customs clearance, APA reports citing the General Prosecutor’s Office.

It is reported that grounds for suspicion were identified that the director of the Guba-Khachmaz regional branch of the Social Services Agency under the MLSPP, Elshan Abdullayev, and the actual head of ƏR TRANSPORT LLC, Adalet Guliyev, who assisted the inspector of the customs valuation department of the Baku Main Customs Department of the State Customs Committee, Mazahir Ismayilov, in committing of these illegal actions, conspired with the purpose of delaying the customs clearance of auto parts imported at the expense of a company owned by a citizen, and then received from this person a bribe in the amount of 8,000 manat for the rapid passage of goods through customs control by superficial inspection.

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