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Theft suspects detained

Suspects of thefts were detained in Aghjabedi, Report informs citing the Barda regional group of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA).

The Agjebedi district police department received information about the theft from the city cemetery. As a result of the operational-search activities, a resident of the district, Elnur Khanlarov, suspected of committing a theft, was detained. It is established that he stole aluminum parts from the grave fences. The items were seized as material evidence.

In addition, during other events, thefts committed in previous months were uncovered. A previously convicted resident of the district, Davud Ibragimov, was detained, suspected of stealing cattle from pastures in the village of Yukhari Avshar. It was established that as a result of the theft, the citizen suffered damage in the amount of 2,000 manats.

The facts are under investigation.

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