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The judicial investigation against the accused in the “Terter case” is completed

A judicial investigation has been completed against the defendants in the Terter case, Major General Bekir Orujov, as well as Intigam Mammadov, Rahib Mammadov, Ziya Kazymov and Ulvi Rashidov, reports At a meeting chaired by the judge of the Baku Military Court Zeynal Agayev in the Sumgayit Judicial Complex, the prosecutor delivered an accusatory speech.

He petitioned to sentence B. Orujov and Z. Kazymov to 12 years and 6 months, I. Mamedov and U. Rashidov to 10 years and 6 months, and R. Mamedov to 8 years and 6 months in prison.

The lawyers were given until September 14, 2023, to prepare to speak in defense of the accused.

It should be noted that the acting head of the department of ideological work and moral and psychological support of the Main Department of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense Bekir Orujov and others were brought to criminal responsibility last year.

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