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Officials who created conditions for the smuggling of goods into Azerbaijan exposed

On the basis of information received from the State Customs Committee (SCC) about the illegal actions of Malik Aliyev, who served as the head of the Operational Investigation Department of the Southern Territorial Customs Department of the State Customs Committee, and other persons, a criminal case was initiated in the Main Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General, Report informs. , with reference to joint information disseminated by the Prosecutor General’s Office and the State Customs Committee.

As a result of the investigative and operational measures, reasonable suspicions were revealed that Malik Aliyev, working in this position, abusing his official powers, created conditions for the illegal importation of medicines worth 30 thousand manats into the country through the Astara customs post.

In addition, it was established that the deputy head of the structure headed by Malik Aliyev, Mehdi Mehraliyev, and customs inspector Zaman Abdurakhmanov, in exchange for a bribe of 10,400 manats, undertook to smuggle goods worth 60,000 manats across the customs border belonging to businessman Ramin Mammadzade.

Based on the evidence collected in the case, Malik Aliyev, Mehdi Mekhraliyev and Zaman Abdurakhmanov were brought to criminal responsibility under Articles 32.5, 206.1, 308.1, 311.3.1 and 311.3.3, and Ramin Mammadzade – under Article 206.1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. With regard to Malik Aliyev, a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen.

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