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Materials on the case of accused of espionage on the territory of Azerbaijan sent to court

The preliminary investigation of the criminal case against Mohammad Gaedi, accused of spying on the territory of Azerbaijan, has been completed, reports. The relevant materials were sent for consideration to the Baku Court for Grave Crimes. The trial will be chaired by Judge Javid Huseynov.

Thus, on the basis of numerous evidences, it was established that Mohammad Gaedi, on the instructions of a foreign intelligence service, was collecting information constituting a state secret in order to use it to the detriment of the security of Azerbaijan. Among other things, he collected personal data of law enforcement officers of our country, trying to establish trusting relationships with them and involve them in secret cooperation with the special services of a foreign state.

M. Gaedi was prosecuted under Article 276 (Espionage) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the court chose a preventive measure in the form of arrest against him.

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