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Court decision against the former colonel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, who filmed intimate videos

The Baku Court of Appeal has completed a hearing on a complaint against the sentence of former Colonel Zaur Mirzoyev, who is accused of conducting covert filming in the office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) and distributing intimate videos, reports. The decision was announced at a trial chaired by Judge Farid Eyyubov. According to the decision, the appeal was not satisfied.

The Baku Grave Crimes Court sentenced Z. Mirzoyev to 3 years and 6 months in prison. The victim was provided with 4,000 manats in the civil suit. Both the ex-colonel and the victim filed appeals against the verdict. The woman was dissatisfied with the fact that only a small part of the civil suit filed by her in the amount of 192,000 manats was satisfied, as well as with the punishment imposed on Z. Mirzoyev. She demanded that the sentence of the court of first instance be changed and that the punishment be toughened, as well as the full payment of the amount claimed in the above-mentioned claim.

Z. Mirzoyev was detained on August 17, 2022. By a court decision, a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen against him. He was charged under articles 156.2.1 (violation of privacy committed by an official using his official position), 242 (illegal distribution of pornographic materials or objects) and 309.2 (abuse of official authority) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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