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Person charged with major fraud sentenced

In Baku, Talat Alizade, accused of major fraud, was sentenced to six years in prison, reports. The verdict was announced at a trial chaired by the judge of the Baku Grave Crimes Court Azad Majidov. The accused was arrested in the courtroom.

According to the indictment, Tural Huseynov was recognized as the victim in the criminal case. T. Alizade, having abused the man’s trust, allegedly borrowed 150,000 manats from him, promising to give up one of his houses in the capital in case of impossibility of return. However, T. Alizade not only did not pay the debt to the victim, but also did not fulfill the promise he had made.

T. Alizade was detained by law enforcement agencies. He was charged under article 178.3.2 (fraud committed with causing large damage) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

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