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Prosecutor General’s Office: a criminal case has been opened regarding the deportation of Azerbaijanis in 1988-1991

On the fact of the forced deportation of Azerbaijanis from their native lands in 1988-1991, the prosecutor’s office interrogated more than 2,500 victims, APA reports. The head of the Investigation Department, Nemat Avazov, said this during a live broadcast on the Prosecutor General’s Office page on the Instagram social network.

He noted that so far Azerbaijanis have been subjected to 4 stages of deportation. All this is being investigated by the prosecutor’s office. During these deportations, 100 thousand Azerbaijanis were expelled from their homes, many of them were killed with extreme cruelty, and their property was taken away from them. A criminal case has been opened regarding the deportation of Azerbaijanis in 1988-1991, which is considered recent history. Investigations continue and interrogations are being conducted.

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