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Passage of truck full of food sent by Russian Red Cross Society to Khankandi still delayed

It is already the second day that the truck full of food, waiting in the city of Barda, was supposed to reach the residents of Armenian origin living in Garabagh through the Aghdam-Khankandi road, APA‘s Garabagh bureau reports.

A truck full of food has been waiting for the second day in Barda. Another non-constructive position of separatists in Garabagh is cited as the reason for delaying the transition. According to other information, this situation arose as a result of the pressure of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the West on the Russian Red Cross Society. At the same time, according to APA’s information, a truck belonging to the International Committee of the Red Cross is standing ready in the territory of Armenia near the Lachin border crossing point.

Recall that under the joint cooperation memorandum of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society and the Russian Red Cross Society at the initiative of the Russian government, with the aim of meeting the food needs of the Armenian residents living in the Garabagh economic region of Azerbaijan by Russia, a total of 1 truck with food and non-food products has been sent by the Russian Red Cross Society.

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