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Another 92 residents of Fizuli district were sent to their native land

The process of returning former internally displaced persons to the restored city of Fuzuli, carried out in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, continues, AZERTAC reports. On September 11, 2023, another group of displaced people was sent to the city of Fizuli from the Gobu Park 3 residential complex in the Garadagh district of Baku. At this stage, another 24 families – 92 people – are moving to Fizuli. Thus, permanent residence in the city will be ensured for 119 families, or 441 people. Families resettled in Fuzuli will live in newly built houses.

It is noted that as a result of the Victory won by the valiant Azerbaijani army under the leadership of the President, the victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, conditions arose for the voluntary return of internally displaced persons to their native lands after 30 years in conditions of safety and dignity. Residents of the city of Fuzuli expressed gratitude to the President, the victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva for comprehensive state care, as well as the valiant Azerbaijani army, the heroic soldiers and officers who liberated our lands from occupation, and with great respect honored the memory of our martyrs who sacrificed life on this path.

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