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The trial began in the case of extortion of more than 4 million manat

A judicial investigation has begun in the criminal case of Vahid Khalafov, accused of extorting more than 4 million manat from the head of the Department of Affairs of the Cabinet of Ministers, Khikmet Khalilov, reports with reference to Qafqazinfo, the case is being considered in the Baku Court of Serious Crimes. According to the indictment, V. Khalilov and the victim have known each other for many years. There had been a dispute between them for a long time over debt. Although these disputes reached the court several times, each time the decisions were made in favor of Kh. Khalilov.

The accused pleaded not guilty to the charges. In his testimony, he stated that for many years he headed a construction company and collaborated with the victim in this area, and repeatedly supervised his construction projects. But after some time, Kh. Khalilov stopped paying his business partner.

It was after this that a conflict arose between the men. According to the accused, his audits showed that the Cabinet employee owed him 4,165,000 manats. But the victim evaded paying the debt, and Vakhid Khalafov repeatedly tried to intimidate him in various ways, including in the latest incident, when the accused pointed a gun at the official.

The process will continue on September 20, 2023.

V. Khalafov was charged under articles 182.4 (extortion committed with the aim of taking possession of especially large property) and 221.3 (hooliganism) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

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