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The Ombudsman addressed the international community regarding the fate of almost 4 thousand missing Azerbaijanis

More human remains, presumably belonging to persons missing during the First Karabakh War, were discovered in the village of Melikakhmedli in the Gubadli region and the village of Vezhneli in the Zangilan region and exhumed. The relevant authorities will take certain measures to establish their identities, reports, with reference to AZERTAC.

The discovery of burials also in the Gubadli and Zangilan regions, which were under occupation for almost thirty years, shows the scale of the brutal crimes committed by Armenia against Azerbaijani prisoners, hostages and missing persons. These opinions are reflected in the commentary of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Sabina Aliyeva, on this issue. It was noted that such cases are clear evidence of a gross violation by Armenia of the norms and principles of international humanitarian law.

The presence of numerous mass graves in the liberated territories necessitates appropriate investigations and measures. Although the Armenian side does not provide the coordinates of the burial sites, the Azerbaijani side is trying to find out the fate of the missing persons by locating these burial sites through appropriate research.

The Ombudsman noted that in order to ensure current requirements in the field of international law and human rights, we once again call on the world community to make a strong appeal to Armenia to provide information about the further fate of almost 4 thousand Azerbaijanis who went missing during the First Karabakh War.

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