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Currently, more than 5 thousand people sentenced by courts to various punishments wear electronic bracelets

Currently, more than 5,000 people sentenced to alternative punishments, including punishments in the form of restriction of freedom, wear electronic bracelets and are under continuous monitoring, Report reports. This was stated at a meeting of the Ministry of Justice dedicated to the upcoming tasks of improving the activities of the probation service.

Justice Minister Fikret Mammadov said that many acts have been decriminalized, a new type of punishment has been established – restriction of freedom, and a probation institution has been established.

Along with the work done, the minister drew attention to the need to improve the activities of the probation service in accordance with modern challenges, eliminate existing shortcomings, and touched upon strict disciplinary measures taken against employees who commit violations in the performance of official duties. In order to effectively organize work, strengthen discipline and increase the sense of responsibility of employees, the ministry has created a monitoring group.

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