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Misappropriation of 5 million manat was revealed in the Executive Power

In accordance with the work plan of the Accounts Chamber of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2023, an audit of the use of public funds was conducted in the Executive Power (EP) of Nakhchivan city and its subordinate institutions. According to Oxu.Az, the audit covered 2021-2022.

As a result of control measures, cases of accrual of excessive and illegal wages totaling 1,792,167 manats, illegal documentation of the purchase of goods without the presence of the goods themselves in the amount of 564,407 manats, illegal demands of funds from citizens in the amount of 2,955,000 manats were identified.

The audit also revealed that expenses for street lighting in the subordinate bodies of the Executive Power were not made according to meter readings, the actual volume of water sold was noticeably less than the specified figure, goods were purchased at inflated prices, and facts of illegal use of state property and non-payment of taxes to the state budget were also discovered.

The Board of the Accounts Chamber decided to send relevant materials based on the audit results to law enforcement agencies.

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