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Persons put on the international wanted list were extradited from Russia to Azerbaijan

In accordance with the requirements of the Convention “On Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Cases,” Azerbaijani citizens Gulnara Khalilova, Javanshir Rustamzade and Vusal Guliyev were extradited from Russia to Azerbaijan. Report informs this with reference to the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

It is noted that Gulnara Khalilova, accused of theft of a large sum using her official position, Javanshir Rustamzade, accused of theft using information technology, and Vusal Guliyev, accused of theft committed by a group of persons in a preliminary conspiracy, were on the international wanted list.

These persons were detained on the territory of Russia and on September 14 of this year were brought to Azerbaijan, accompanied by a special convoy of the penitentiary service of the Ministry of Justice.

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