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General Prosecutor’s Office: Armenians shelled Shusha, there is a dead person

On September 19, 2023, illegal Armenian armed groups on the territory of Azerbaijan fired at Shusha from large-caliber weapons, including mortars. As a result of the terrorist attack, Vidadi Aydin oglu, an engineer of the housing, utilities and repair service of the State Reserve Department of the city of Shusha, Vidadi Aydin oglu, born in 1967, died from shrapnel wounds, Report informs, citing the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Based on this fact, the General Prosecutor’s Office opened a criminal case under articles 120.2.11, 120.2.12, 214.2.1, 214.2.3, 279.3 and other articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan; the preliminary investigation was entrusted to the Investigation Department of the General Prosecutor’s Office.

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