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The accused of major fraud will appear in court again

A cassation appeal against the verdict of Fakhraddin Javanshirov, accused of major fraud, was filed with the Supreme Court, reports. It will be considered under the chairmanship of Judge Shahin Yusifov. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for September 26, 2023. The Baku Serious Crimes Court sentenced F. Javanshirov to six years in prison.

The investigation established that F. Javanshirov took 165,000 manats from individual citizens, giving them false promises to assist in the termination of criminal proceedings initiated against their relatives in the Investigative Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the abolition of selected in relation to them, preventive measures in the form of arrest.

Based on the available evidence, he was charged under articles 178.3.2 (fraud committed with causing large damage) and 32.4,312.2 (incitement to repeatedly give a bribe to an official for committing obviously illegal actions) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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