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The prosecutor petitioned to sentence the former head of the Executive Branch to 13 years in prison

The Ganja Serious Crimes Court has completed a judicial investigation into the criminal case of the former head of the Executive Power of the Shamkir region, Alimpashi Mammadov, reports. At the meeting, the prosecutor demanded that Alimpasha Mammadov be sentenced to 13 years in prison.

The judge gave the lawyers time to prepare their defense speech.

It is noted that A. Mammadov was arrested in April last year as a result of complex operational and investigative measures of the State Security Service. The ex-head of the executive power was prosecuted under articles 179.4 (embezzlement), 193-1.3.2 (legalization of funds obtained by criminal means), 308.2 (abuse of official powers), 311.3.2 and 311.3.3 (repeated receipt of a bribe in large size) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. A court decision was taken against him as a preventive measure in the form of arrest.

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