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Separatists in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan announced self-dissolution

The separatist structure in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan announced its self-dissolution, reports. The so-called “president” of the illegal entity on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan (AR), Samvel Shahramanyan, signed a “decree” on actions arising from the situation created after September 19, 2023.

According to the “decree”, such a decision was made taking into account the agreement reached through the mediation of the command of the Russian peacekeeping contingent with representatives of the central authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan to ensure free, voluntary and unhindered passage of residents of Karabakh, including military personnel who have laid down their arms, with their property on their vehicles across Lachin road.

In accordance with the “document,” all illegal institutions and organizations created by the separatist regime are dissolved before January 1, 2024, and the regime itself completely ceases to exist before this date.

In addition, the Armenian population of Karabakh should become familiar with the conditions of reintegration presented by the Republic of Azerbaijan in order to subsequently make an independent and individual decision on the possibility of staying in Karabakh.

This “decree” comes into force immediately after publication.

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