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Person held responsibility for perjury

A man in Baku has been held accountable for perjury regarding a robbery, Report informs citing the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to the information, on August 25, 2024, citizen Markhamat Mehdiyev contacted the 19th police station of the Nasimi District Police Department and stated that certain Abdul, Tofik and Taleh forcibly put him in a car, hit him on the head with brass knuckles, took 164 manats and a mobile phone.

A criminal case was opened on this fact under Article 181.2.1 (robbery committed by a group of persons by prior agreement) of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic. Suspects Tofik Tagiyev and Abdul Mammadov were detained, but rejected all charges brought against them.

Soon, Mehdiyev admitted that he gave false testimony because he wanted to achieve their arrest due to personal disagreements.

The criminal case was reclassified under Article 296.2 (knowingly false denunciation), Mekhdiyev was brought to justice as an accused and detained.

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