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Charges brought against the head and lawyer of the Tovuz Law Office, criminal case initiated

The Prosecutor General’s Office and the Bar Association of the Republic of Azerbaijan have released joint information, APA reports citing the Prosecutor General’s Office. As a result of operational and investigative measures carried out on the basis of information received about the illegal actions of the head of the Tovuz District Law Office Abdullayev Rashad Tapdyg oglu and the lawyer of this organization Aliyev Suleyman Huseyngulu oglu, a criminal case was initiated in the Main Department for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General’s Office under the relevant article of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

During the operational investigative activities, grounds were revealed for suspicion that in 2023-2024, Rashad Abdullayev, in various criminal and civil cases pending in court, demanded and received, independently or in collusion with Suleiman Aliyev, various amounts of money from citizens in addition to the contract, informing them that, using his powers, he had the ability to illegally influence the decisions of the relevant officials.

Based on the evidence collected in the case, Rashad Abdullayev and Suleiman Aliyev were charged under Article 312-1.1 of the Criminal Code, and a preventive measure in the form of transfer to police supervision was chosen for them.

The Bar Association is also conducting an investigation into these individuals in accordance with the law.

Operational investigative activities are ongoing to identify other facts in the criminal case and other individuals who participated in any form in the commission of crimes.

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