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Fraud worth 1 million manat committed in Azerbaijan

The trial of Farid Jalalov and Kamil Habilli, accused of fraud worth 1 million manat against 14 people on behalf of the insurance company “Casko”, continues, reports. At a hearing in the Baku Court of Grave Crimes, defendant F. Jalalov declared his innocence. Answering questions from the judge and the prosecutor, he clarified some points related to the victims. F. Jalalov emphasized that he provided various cars to most of the people recognized as victims in exchange for the amounts received from them. He noted that he was unable to transfer the promised cars only to certain people. F. Jalalov pleaded guilty to only three counts.
It is noted that 14 people were recognized as victims in the criminal case, they suffered damages totaling about 1 million manat. Kamil Habilli and Farid Jalalov were charged under Article 178.2.3 (fraud using one’s official position) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

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