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School teacher cheated out of 234,000 manat

A regular hearing was held in the Baku Grave Crimes Court on the case of Nihad Aliyev, accused under Article 178.3.2 (fraud committed with causing major damage) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, reports. At the hearing chaired by Judge Fakhri Mammadov, state prosecutor Tural Yagubov read out the indictment.

It turned out that N. Aliyev, having promised his friend Tamam Nabiyeva to deliver a 2018 Mercedes-Benz car from the USA through an auction, sold her apartment worth 161,000 manat in the Yasamal district to Gabil Abbasov for 110,000 manat through a notary and embezzled the money. In total, the fraudster stole 234,461 manats from Tamam Nabiyeva, including the amounts transferred from her bank card.

When asked by the judge whether he considered himself guilty, the accused Nihad Aliyev did not answer and, citing poor health, asked to postpone the court hearing.

The trial was postponed to September 17.

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