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Customs officer stole 28 smartphones

The Gusar District Court has completed the criminal investigation of Gafar Dadashov (name and surname are conditional – ed.), accused of abuse of office and official forgery, reports. According to the court’s verdict, he was sentenced to 2 years of correctional labor with a deduction of 10% of his monthly salary in favor of the state and deprivation of the right to hold leadership positions and positions with financial responsibility in state and local government bodies for a period of 2 years. The accused will serve the appointed sentence in the form of correctional labor at his place of work.

Thus, the accused, while on duty at the Samur customs post in the village of the same name in the Gusarsky District from 09:00 on April 19, 2023 to 09:00 on April 20, 2023, intentionally entered false information about 28 iPhone smartphones into the electronic system, committing official forgery.

During the investigation, a preventive measure in the form of a written undertaking not to leave was chosen against him.

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