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Accused of attempted murder of ex-wife given harsh sentence

A sentence has been passed on Rashad Asadzade, accused of attempted murder of his ex-wife by using a firearm, reports. The sentence was announced during a session of the Baku Court of Grave Crimes chaired by Judge Azer Taghiyev.

According to the sentence, the defendant was sentenced to 15 years and 6 months in prison. At the last session, prosecutor Tural Yagubov asked to sentence R. Asadzade to 17 years in prison.

R. Asadzade was charged under Articles 29, 120.2.2 (attempted premeditated murder for hooligan motives), 228.1 (illegal acquisition, storage, transportation of firearms) and 229.1 (illegal manufacture of firearms, components for them, ammunition, explosives or explosive devices, as well as repair of firearms) of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic.

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