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The case of doctors of the Central Hospital of Agsu District has been transferred to court

The preliminary investigation of the criminal case against the head of the hemodialysis department of the Central Hospital of Agsu District Arif Talibov, nephrologist of the department Etibar Soltiyev and other persons, initiated by the Main Department for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General, has been completed, reports.

During the investigation, it was established that during 2022-2023, Etibar Soltiyev, together with Arif Talibov and other persons, by deceiving and abusing the trust of individual citizens who applied for help in assigning a degree of disability and restoring suspended pensions, appropriated more than 126 thousand manats.

As a result of the investigative actions, the amount of 120 thousand manats was compensated from the damage caused.

Based on the evidence collected, Etibar Soltiyev and Arif Talibov were charged under Articles 178.3.2 of the Criminal Code (fraud causing significant damage). A preventive measure in the form of house arrest under police supervision was chosen for them.

The criminal case was sent to the Baku Court of Grave Crimes.

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