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Trial begins on the fact of theft of 1 million manat in the hospital

The preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated in connection with the illegal actions of former employees of the Ganja City United Hospital has been completed, APA reports with reference to the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office. Thus, during the investigation, grounds were revealed for suspicion that former employees of the Ganja City United Hospital Huseynov Vidadi Gachay oglu and Huseynov Vusal Vidadi oglu, as well as Abdullayev Mahabbat Alish oglu laundered part of the funds totaling more than 1.1 million manats, obtained illegally.

Based on the collected evidence, Vidadi Huseynov, Vusal Huseynov and Mahabbat Abdullayev were charged under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code, and the court chose a preventive measure in the form of arrest for them.

The criminal case has been sent for consideration to the Ganja Court of Grave Crimes.

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