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Continuation of the trial on the criminal case of the head of the SalamNews and Interaz news agency

Another trial on the criminal case of the head of the SalamNews and Interaz news agency Metleb Bagirov took place, APA reports. Witnesses testified at the court hearing chaired by Judge Leyla Askarova-Mammadova in the Baku Court of Grave Crimes.

The channel’s cameraman Ramil Hasanov testified as a witness. He said that he worked as a cameraman on the channel and brought the money he received during filming to the company: “The money was not only in manats, there was also foreign currency. Salaries were paid with this money.”

Interaz accountant Suraya Mamedova noted in her testimony that she did not directly participate in the process of paying salaries to employees.

Then the judge read out the testimony that the accountant gave during the preliminary investigation: “During my work, 171 thousand and 219 thousand were received from an unknown source in the channel from outside.” It is noted that Metleb Bagirov is accused under several articles of the Criminal Code, including Article 162-1.1 (involving a significant number of workers to perform work without concluding an employment contract), Article 167-3.1 (storage of extremist religious materials), Article 193.2.2 (fictitious entrepreneurship with large profits), Article 193-1.3.2 (legalization of significant amounts obtained by criminal means), Article 213 (tax evasion) and other articles.

Metleb Bagirov was arrested in January 2023.

The State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy is recognized as the victim party in the case.

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