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Preliminary investigation in Abzas Media case completed

The preliminary investigation against the defendants in the Abzas Media case has been completed, reports with reference to Qafqazinfo. Thus, according to lawyer Zibeyda Sadigova, yesterday the investigative body announced the end of the investigation and familiarized the defense with the case materials, which comprise 20 volumes. After the lawyers complete the familiarization, the criminal case will be sent to court for consideration on the merits.

It is noted that in the Abzas Media case, the site’s director Ulvi Hasanli and editor-in-chief Sevinj Vagifgizi, as well as deputy director Muhammad Kekalov and other employees – Hafiz Babali, Nargiz Absalamova and Elnara Gasimova, economist Farid Mehralizade have been arrested. They are charged with smuggling, tax evasion, money laundering, and other articles.

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