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Trial of organized group charged with cybercrime worth half a billion manat begins

The trial of gang members accused of organized cybercrime related to money laundering and tax evasion has begun – Bahadur Agagulu oglu Gasimov, his brother Ikram Gasimov, their cousin Farhad Etibar oglu Gasimov, Javid Haji oglu Azizov, Veli Agamali oglu Aliyev and Anar Shamil oglu Akhmedov, APA reports. During the trial at the Baku Court of Grave Crimes chaired by Judge Anar Sadigov, the state prosecutor read out the indictment.

Then the defendants were asked to express their attitude to the indictment. Farhad Gasimov stated that he considered himself partly guilty. The rest of the defendants pleaded not guilty. Bahadur Gasimov called the indictment baseless and exaggerated.

The trial will continue on September 20.

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