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A criminal case initiated on the fact of misappropriation of money under the pretext of employing citizens abroad

A criminal case has been opened on the fact of misappropriation of a large sum of money from citizens under the pretext of employing them in foreign countries, APA reports with reference to the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Based on numerous citizen appeals regarding the illegal actions of officials of Tempo TRIPS LLC and 365 Tourism LLC, an investigation was conducted by the Main Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General.

Reasonable suspicions have been revealed regarding the illegal appropriation of a large sum of money by officials of these companies by making false promises to numerous citizens who approached them for employment in foreign countries.

A criminal case has been opened under Articles 178.3.2 (fraud committed with the infliction of major damage) and 308.2 (abuse of power resulting in grave consequences).

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