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Azerbaijan Interior Ministry: measures are being taken to combat religious radicalism, destructive calls

As a result of the measures taken by the Interior Ministry together with the relevant bodies and organizations, stability has been achieved in the republic in terms of the religious situation, but sometimes violations of the law occur in this area, APA reports with reference to the Deputy Head of the Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Zeyni Huseynov, who spoke at a session on the topic “Media and the fight against religious radicalism” organized within the framework of the seminar “Religious factor in the ideological struggle: expectations from the media” in Shusha.

He noted that serious measures are systematically taken in Azerbaijan to combat religious radicalism, destructive calls aimed at undermining stability. Measures in accordance with the law are being taken against persons who violated the requirements of the Law “On Freedom of Religion”.

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