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When do they choke?

Yesterday, a group of residents Saatli District of Azerbaijan tried to arrange a rally in front of the District Executive authority office protesting against  arbitrariness of officials “who have eaten” money allocated by the government to eliminate consequences of the floods in May and June 2010. According to “Zerkalo” newspaper, a police broke up the gathered people and detained 10 persons.

This is not a first case of breaking up and detention of disaffected people who are demanding justice. In January, during a meeting with the local people have been detained members of the staff of civil society “Kura” Mehman Aliyev and Oktay Gyulalyev. In July, flood-affected Novruzlu villagers Mirabad Rzayev and his son Mirsaleh were arrested.

It is reported that in 2010 to overcome consequences of natural disasters was allocated 346 million manats (about US$ 440 million), including on the construction of houses for flood victims – 202.3 million manats. Judging by allocated funds, the construction of one house in a flood zone cost more than 63 thousand manats, but the real cost of one built house does not exceed 17-18 thousand manats.

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