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Friends of the press

Friends of the press are those, who help journalists, do not hide information from them, and do not lie to them, do not threaten and do not make an attempt on their life, do not oppress both morally and financially, do not take offense at trifles and correctly perceive criticism. And if, in addition, they help financially, then it should be erected monuments for such friends in the time of their life.

The media, as a rule, does not advertise his friends, trying not to touch them in their speeches or mentioning in superficial messages.

Analysis of the press in Azerbaijan for 2012, showed that the Ministry of Taxes, State Customs Committee, Ministry of Emergency Situations and Ministry of National Security can be safely attributed to the friends of media, about which have nothing written bad in the vast majority of Azerbaijani media, and even bifacial “Zerkalo”.

Bifacial is not in a bad sense, but in terms of a slogan used.


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