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Human rights: no change at the front

“On the result of 2012 we have nothing to be proud; the situation of human rights is not satisfied in all areas”. As reports the Salamnews, such a statement made on December 25 human rights activist Arzu Abdullayeva. According to her, the country has flouted all kinds of rights; people continue to suffer from poverty and arbitrariness. “Assertions of officials of endless riches of Azerbaijan do not mean that after that they could violate the rights of others. Common man does not feel himself protected in the country. It is violated the rights to a fair trial, to live in dignity, economic rights, the right to freedom of speech and assembly. We want to see something positive, but this positive was noted only in Penitentiary Service,” – said A. Abdullayeva. She noted that it felt an intention of management to change the PS prison conditions, but unfortunately, the situation suddenly deteriorated a few months ago.

Chairman of Azerbaijan Committee against Torture Elchin Behbudov is also dissatisfied with situation, related to the protection of human rights. Since the beginning of the current year, 141 people addressed to the Committee with complaints. 4 of them have died. “This is a bad index. In 2010, 169 people addressed to the Committee on Human Rights, and in 2011 – 136 men. It is trying to intimidate people who found the courage to talk about torture. I was not allowed visit into prisons of the Penitentiary Service. It is quite possible that if I was allowed to go there, the complaints would have been much more”, – said the human rights activist. He also added that the number of torture in Azerbaijan did not reduce.

Chairman of the Foundation for Constitutional Research Alimammad Nuriyev is satisfied that 2012 was marked by the adoption of the Law on ensuring of the rights and freedoms of individual in imprisonment.

“This is an indicator of a new approach. The law discussed for several years, and finally it was adopted. It will contribute to curb facts of torture, provide a more objective investigation of court cases, and increase the importance of the institution of advocacy. It is naturally, in 2012, were signed several decrees of pardon. It is released convicted journalists. It is expected that till this end, President Ilham Aliyev will sign another decree of pardon”, – he added.

Nuriyev does not exclude the fact that in the near future will also be signed by a large-scale act of amnesty.

One word, it is no changes in the field of struggle for human rights. As well as it is in the issue of unity of human rights movement.


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