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Man arrested for embezzling large properties

The Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General have conducted a joint operation on the basis of a material received from the Ministry of Emergency Situations regarding the illegal activities of a person, abusing the trust of the citizens affected by an earthquake occurred in the Gakh-Zaqatala-Balakan region in 2012, embezzled a large amount of their properties under the pretext of restoring their homes, reports APA.

As a result of the operations, Feyruz Mammadov, a former junior researcher of the Institute for Scientific Research and Project-Design Construction Materials of the State Agency for Control was caught red-handed while demanding AZN 2,000 from a Baku citizen in exchange for offering contractor work for the restoration of houses damaged by the earthquake, in fact seeking to seize citizen’s property. 

During an interrogation conducted on the criminal case launched by the Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General, Mammadov faced charges under the articles 178.3.2 of the Criminal Code  (with causing damage in the large size) and 310 (assignment of powers of the official) as there grounds for suspicion of him appropriating a huge amount of properties of others, seizing a total of AZN42,000 from Gakh district residents to shift names in the list compiled by the ministry in order to carry out repair and construction works to the top and to demolish and reconstruct the houses damaged by earthquake after registering them as repair houses. The court has sentenced him to pre-trial detention.

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