Свобода – величайший плод ограничения желаний свободы (Эпикур).                Видеть несправедливость и молчать – это значит, самому участвовать в ней (Ж.-Ж. Руссо).                Светоч истины часто обжигает руку тому, кто его несет (П. Буаст).                Умирают только за то, ради чего стоит жить (Сент-Экзюпери).                Знание есть сила, сила есть знание (Бэкон).


Members of the IOLR may be individuals or legal entities who agree with the statutory goals of the organization. As of May 22, 2024  the Organization has 470 members from 24 countries worldwide. Among our members are scientists and practitioners, academics and professors, judges, investigators, students and retired people, housemakers and the unemployed.

In order to join to the IOLR send an application email to the Organization indicating: Full name, date, month and year of birth, address, contacts (telephone, fax, e-mail), place of work (if applicable), scientific degree (if applicable).


The rights of an IOLR member:

– Free participation in the organization’s activities;

– To elect and be elected to the governing bodies, to obtain information about the activities of the organization, make suggestions or complaints and participate in e-voting;

– Priority for publication papers;

– Organizational, financial and information support of the implementation of projects.


The governing bodies of the Organization are Conference committee, Board members (Council) and the President.

On March 08, 2024 Doctor of Law, Professor Javanshir Suleymanov was re-elected as President of the Organization for two years term.

The charter of IOLR adheres to all Laws of Azerbaijan Republic “On Non-governmental organizations”.

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Cognosce te ipsum!                Surge et age!                Aliis inserviendo consumor!                Cogito, ergo sum!                Non progredi est regredi!

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