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To: Mr. Christoph Strässer

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To: Mr. Christoph Strässer, Member of Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe, PACE rapporteur on political prisoners   Dear Mr. Strässer,   Please accept sincere gratitude of the citizens of Azerbaijan for your honesty, decency, and adherence to principles in solving crucial issues for us. Your […]

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To the Embassies, International organizations, human rights activists, media   Ladies and Gentlemen!   The Azerbaijani authorities claim that there is no political prisoners in Azerbaijan, but the actual daily replenish their numbers. In August of 2012 because of religion, nationality and filed complaints about corruption inhabitants of Gusar region Lezgins Piraliyev Raghib Safarbey ogly […]

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Letter of Ms. Koneva Yuliya

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Letter of Ms. Koneva Yuliya

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Letter of Mrs. Shahla Ibrahim

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Letter of Mrs. Shahla Ibrahim

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Letter of Mrs. Mehtiyeva A.S.

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Dear Sirs,   In 2005 I submitted complaint with the European Court of Human Rights but to date I have not yet received a reply. I’ve heard that it was adopted a new protocol no. 14 to the Convention which will accelerate consideration of cases in the European Court but I can not to find […]

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Letter of Mrs. Atayeva K.I.

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Letter of Makhmudov A. H.

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The IOLR has received a letter of citizen Makhmudov A. in which is written that a judge of the Sabail court of Baku demands to pay expenses that incurred in connection with preparation of a decision on the complaint of judicial review. Here is our recommendations: to send complaints to the presidential administration, Minister of […]

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Letter of Mrs. Petrosian L.K.

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