Archive for June 5th, 2024

As a result of the operation, employees of the 41st police department of the Sabail district of Baku detained Elman Hasanov, who is suspected of a series of Internet frauds. It was established that the attacker posted false data on advertisement sites and fraudulently lured various amounts of money from citizens under the guise of a “deposit,” reports, citing the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the investigation, it turned out that E. Hasanov was involved in other similar crimes. Thus, at different times, he fraudulently misappropriated a total of 5,725 manats (2,075, 400 and 3,250 manats, respectively) from three other people.

An investigation into these facts continues. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan calls on other possible victims of E. Hasanov’s illegal actions to contact the police.

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In Baku, police officers detained previously convicted Elnur Akhmedov (born 1980), suspected of theft from bank cards, reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It turned out that he, having obtained the card numbers and PIN codes of more than 20 residents of the capital, stole various amounts of money from them.

During the investigation, it was also established that E. Akhmedov committed fraud against several persons.

It is noted that the detainee received the card data by standing near ATMs and watching people withdrawing money. E. Akhmedov also received PIN codes from citizens who asked him to help cash out the amount on the card, and committed similar crimes against them.

Victims of E. Akhmedov’s illegal actions can report this to the police.

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